Week 42

Posted by Chelsea Hood

What Xbox game did you buy but you never played it but I did.

Driod Eris Software 2.1

Posted by Chelsea Hood

The Droid Eris has gotten a firmware update!
2.1 is now out!
And all I can say is wow...
As if the Droid interface couldn't get any better...
Its not faster and more responsive than the previous firmware.
There is new updated icons such as the internet, maps, and navigation icons.
Although my previous customized scene was erased, it was still fun to look through all the new aspects of the new firmware.
Also, if you had to have a password to get into your phone, the interface is now updated to include the time and date.
Overall, I am so happy with the new updates.
Oh, and did I forget to mention, the Droid marketplace is now updated as well. It has a much smoother and cleaner interface.

Ahhhh I love 2.1

My Uggs

Posted by Chelsea Hood

Oh how I love my ugg boots. They are so comfortable and look so cute with so many outfits. I always get comments about how cute my boots are and how everyone one wants them. The insides are lined with fur and the boots are actually made of real sheepskin. You just want to wear them all the time! I have them in the light tan color, so they pretty much match everything.
I know people rag on ugg boots, but they are worth every penny!


Posted by Chelsea Hood

Another website that I have recently discovered is stylist.com. If you are looking for any sort of beauty how-to's or the next upcoming trends in fashion, take a look at this website.
One of my favorite aspects of this website is the fact that it so easy to navigate and clean. Alot of times when going to fashion websites, there is so much information its hard to be able to find exactly what your looking for. But with this website, thats not a problem.
They have different sections on hair,makeup,fashion,celebs, and shopping. I mean what else can a women ask for, all in a single website!
They also have style videos, so you can see how easily it is to achieve a perfect makeover.
Go now and check it out!


Posted by Chelsea Hood

For those who don't know, but what every women should know, check out Makeupalley.com. It is an amazing website that has reviews on every single cosmetic you can imagine! Whether you are looking for amazing beauty deals, reviews on new products you would like to try, or even discovering new brands; you must absolutely go to this website! They have different sections for checking out great beauty values,most reviewed products, and the highest rated cosmetics.
So if you are hesitant about trying out a new product because it might cause you to break out or you don't know if you want to spend the cash on a high end that might not be worth the price, go now to makeupalley.com

Oh and by the way, if you are a complete makeup addict, there is also a section where you can swap your old makeup with other addicts to be able to try out new products! Alot of times they will send you little samples of other products or cute jewelry along with the products you are swapping.

I have personally tried this out and it is so cool. And to avoid being ripped off by people, every person is rated similar to ebay so that you know you aren't getting the bad end of the deal.

Alot of members also write their own articles, so you get great ideas for when your feeling crazy and want to try out a new look.

So go now!
Check it out!


Moms and Their Time Machines

Posted by Chelsea Hood

So after having a lovely conversation with my mother, I have come to the conclusion that mothers have a specially incorporated time machine inserted in their minds that enables them to travel 20 years into the past.

I mean how else could they still see you as their little baby? Like not believe that you are an actual adult with rent and bills to pay?

Mothers seems to keep a record written in stone of all mistakes that you have ever made, opportunities that you passed up, and all the areas of your life that you need improvement.

It's as though mothers cannot see when you have grown up into an adult, with your own life.

And this is my reasoning behind my theory of mothers and their time machines.

Its as though a switch flips on in their minds where they enter a different reality and nothing makes logical sense. As if a distorted mirror is placed in front them and mystifies all reasoning.

I have not found a cure yet to bring my mother back into reality, however with further testing (aka going to visit my parents for two weeks) I hope to be able to make huge advance towards finding a cure for Mothers with Time Machines.

*P.S - Not all mothers suffer from Time Machines.


Posted by Chelsea Hood

Recently, over Christmas, I got a new Droid Eris. (which I love by the way).It's so easy to navigate and simple to use and it keeps me updated with facebook and twitter. But most of all, I love the Droid Apps Market. There are so many apps being added daily and most of which are free. However, there is one new game on the Droid market that is definitely worth the purchase, Zenonia. Similar to Legend of Zelda, it has great graphics, an amazing story line, and unique character stat customization. You can level up your character and achieve new and better gear. If you are looking for a new game for your phone, definitely try this one out. It has a free trial up to a certain point in the story line so you can get a taste of what the game is about. Overall, if you are looking for a new game definitely give this one a try. It has kept me very entertained and it is very addictive!

Betty White Cloning

Posted by Chelsea Hood

Has anyone else been noticing Betty White a little more lately? I have seen her recently in Snickers Commercials, SNL, and now she is advertising for her new T.V. show "Hot in Cleveland". Now don't get me wrong, I like Betty White. But how old is she now? 90?

There seems to be only one explanation.

Betty White is now the first cloned human.

How else could she still be walking around? Let alone to be working on a brand new sitcom.

It makes perfect sense. Only a bad sci-fi film could accurately explain how Betty White is still in existance when she was born in the Jurassic period.
Betty White has now cloned herself to meet the upcoming demand for the Betty White trademark.
Soon Betty White clones will be available in your home, so hurry and call to reserve your new Betty White!
Everyone's doing it. I mean who doesn't want a witty and charismatic women to liven up your daily lives?

LnA Clothing

Posted by Chelsea Hood

LnA Clothing seems to be a popular choice among celebrities and has definitely won a place in my closet as being a comfortable and fashionable necessity for any fasionista. It seems to gracefully caress a woman's figure, giving both a dressed up or dressed down look to complete any outfit. Many celebrities such as Ashley Tisdale and Nicole Richie have been seen sporting the clothing line; which has taken young Hollywood by storm. LnA has managed to create the perfect basic new lifestyle tee that has mastered fit and versatality.

My First Blog Post

Posted by Chelsea Hood

Wow, how exciting! My first post on my new blog! I'm so thrilled!

I'm wanting to include my many passions in my life such as makeup, hair, and fashion.

Hopefully I will start to include makeup and hair tutorials and maybe people will read my blog and follow me in my fun adventures in testing new brands of cosmetics, trying out new fashions, and my never ending quest to become beautiful inside and out!

I absolutely love Kandee! She seems to make everyday count and has done work on celebrities, been in magazines, and worked on movie sets. She is very talented on creating different shading and color effects with makeup to bring out a persons inner beauty!